IMPD Mounted Patrol suffers loss of one its police horses


On June 6, the IMPD Mounted Patrol and Mounted Horse Patrol Association made the difficult decision to put down one of their police horses. Colonel, who served with the unit for over six years was humanely put to rest because of age and pain.

“He was in a lot of pain, and after much deliberation with the officers, we recognized the best thing for Colonel was to put him to rest,” said Allan Whitesell, Commander for the Unit. “He was a strong horse and strong partner,” said Whitesell.

Colonel came to the Mounted unit in March 2012. He was acquired from a farm in Bloomington, Indiana. Officers who worked with Colonel described his personality as “pleasant and non-fearing”, a demeanor that is a perfect fit for the Unit.

Colonel was a Percheron Thoroughbred cross that stood about 16.2 hands (about 5.5 feet) tall with a weight of 1800 pounds. “He was an incredibly strong horse. It was both intimidating and beautiful at the same time,” said Whitesell.

The IMPD Mounted Horse Patrol Association purchased Colonel and all of the horses for the Mounted Patrol. This arrangement protects horses from City-property auction laws when horses reach the end of their useful life or begin suffering from age and illness.

The Unit’s herd is increasingly aged, with an average age of about 15 years. The Association will now turn to the difficult task of replacing Colonel. Training expenses for a new horse is also supported by the non-profit Association. If you would like to support the Unit and help purchase a new horse, donate to the IMPD Mounted Horse Patrol Association at


The Indianapolis Metropolitan Horse Patrol Association, Inc. is an independent, nonprofit 501(c)3 organization dedicated to the continued funding and success of the Indianapolis Mounted Patrol Unit. The Horse Patrol Association is led by a 14-member board of directors. The HPA helps raise money to fund healthcare, food, shelter, equipment, and training for both officers and horses. To learn more about the HPA, its fundraising efforts, and more about its programming, visit

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